In Florida, net metering is a crucial program that allows solar panel owners to benefit from excess electricity generation. So what happens if your solar panels generate more electricity than you use? Net metering.

Let’s explore the concept of net metering, its operation in Florida, participating electric companies in the Greater Tampa Bay area, the fate of surplus electricity, and the potential financial gains.

What is Net Metering and how does it work in Florida?

Net metering is a billing arrangement that enables homeowners with solar panels to be credited for the excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid. In Florida, net metering regulations are established by the state’s Public Service Commission. Under net metering, a bidirectional meter records both the electricity consumed from the grid and the electricity generated by the solar panels.

When solar panels produce more electricity than is consumed, the excess power is automatically sent back to the grid. The bidirectional meter registers the surplus, and homeowners receive credits for the energy contributed. These credits can be utilized to offset future electricity consumption from the grid, particularly during times when solar panels are not generating enough electricity, such as at night or on cloudy days.

Which electric companies in the Greater Tampa Bay area participate in Net Metering?

In the Greater Tampa Bay area, several electric companies participate in net metering programs, fostering the integration of solar energy into the local grid. Some notable electric companies that offer net metering services in the region include:

  1. Tampa Electric (TECO): TECO provides net metering options for residential and commercial solar customers, allowing them to take advantage of the surplus electricity they generate.
  2. Duke Energy Florida: Duke Energy Florida also participates in net metering, enabling solar panel owners to receive credits for excess electricity fed back into the grid.
  3. FPL: Florida Power & Light (FPL), offers net metering programs to customers in its service area, facilitating the use of renewable energy resources.

What happens if my solar panels generate more electricity than I use?

When your solar panels generate electricity, all of it is directed back to the electric grid. When you create more than you use, the surplus energy can be utilized by other consumers in the area. The bi-directional meter accurately measures the energy flow in both directions, ensuring accurate tracking of the excess electricity you contribute.

Does Net Metering pay me for excess electricity created?

Net metering ensures that you receive compensation for the excess electricity that your system creates for the grid. Through the credit system, the electric company acknowledges and accounts for the surplus energy, which can then be used to offset future electricity bills. These credits effectively lower your overall energy costs and provide a financial benefit for your solar investment.

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Net metering plays a crucial role in maximizing the benefits of solar energy in Florida. It allows homeowners to harness the power of the sun while receiving credits for the excess electricity they generate. Electric companies like Tampa Electric, Duke Energy Florida, and FPL in the Greater Tampa Bay area actively participate in net metering, enabling customers to enjoy the financial advantages of solar energy.

If you’re considering solar energy and a curious abou the immediate costs, get an INSTANT solar estimate here: